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Let’s Talk About It — Day 5 of 30Guests in 30Days

Day 5 of Let's Talk About It with #30Guestsin30Days on DETAILS is a day for adventure but it's also a significant day for our guest! ( kindly say a word of prayer for the celebrant in the comments section).

Happy birthday Omobolanle,🎉🥳🎈🎂🎁
Having you around is nothing but a true joy! So, may your life be abundant with warm and delightful people just like you! — DETAILS TEAM

Grab your snacks guys and relax.

We've got Blazeeeeeeeee on this one!

Blaze of The 1911 Collections is all we keep hearing. One would ask , how exactly did it all start?

No need twerking your brains to figure it out, Blaze is right here to proffer answers to all.

Going down memory lane would be a good place to start. At age 17, sapa made me see the need to start a data business. Like you’d guess, I called it Blaze Data Service. 

In 2019, which was 2 years later, The data business was thriving but I knew I needed to do better than what I was. 

I briefed a friend back then about my interest to start an online fashion store but the idea didn't sit well with him. Of course not out of bad intention, it was majorly because he felt competition would be tight with other vendors.

My coconut head wouldn't buy any of that, so I went ahead not minding the challenges I could face.

Bracing myself to start this new milestone, I was introduced to Mini Importation, had some training and was ready to launch my brand. 

Overtime, I’ve had to answer how I came about my brand name, what it implies and all that. 

My brother did justice to picking out the brand name- The 1911 Collections. The concept behind the brand’s name was to buttress the saying “Fashion is as old as time”. The 1911 Collection suited perfectly.

Getting all that was required, In 2019 my brand was launched. Like most vendors, I started with Pre-Orders. The turn up however was more than I imagined. 

This gave me a feeling that I was doing something right. I was at this for a couple of months before dollars started crashing. Safe to say, this was where the real story began. I was running at a loss trying to keep up. 

In a quest to balance things out, in February 2020, I had this mini importation gig where a brand made use of my services in procuring items needed for valentine packages. The gig was looking all good till the goods came and the shipping fee was outrageous. 

In contrast to my thoughts to make money from this gig, I ended up being broke beyond measure. I was back to square one. At this point, reality dawned on me and I knew I had to switch to a better alternative. 

Three years down the business line, I'd always be grateful I chose dropshipping as an alternative. 

One thing I love about the way I've built my brand is that I can work from anywhere and see results, so when ASUU came like a thief in the night in my final year (a thief I never saw coming, lol), I wasn't disturbed in any way.

In fact, it made me realize I have 'Selling Power' and a wide range of good customers. 

So instead of worrying about who would buy my products, I was upskilling in several areas of my life. I took it upon myself to spread the good news of my brand on Instagram, I built a community and as opposed to the popular belief on how difficult it is finding buyers on the gram, I was selling footwears in numbers on that space to strangers. 

Your talent determines what you can do, your motivation determines how much you are willing to do it and your attitude determines how well you do it.

One thing I can pinpoint that has made me stand the test of time so far is that I love what I do. I have a passion for Sales and Marketing.

You can't thrive in a niche you don't have much knowledge about. Stop venturing into things just because the world is moving in that direction. You need to find what you're good at and stay with it.

Do it over and over again, till your name becomes a household one in that niche.

Let's connect!🎊

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