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Let’s Talk About It— Day 2 of 30 Guests in 30 Days

It’s Day 2! Today I’d like to do my part to remind us all about an insight that transcends to all— GenZ, Millennials, Baby boomers, GenX. Lol

Over the course of the past seven months, I have been grounded and stuck at home, away from my dorm room in Africa’s most beautiful campus. While these seven months have been relatively devoid of typical academic activity, I’m happy to report that they’ve been positively filled with personal growth and skill-boosting activities.

Living on my own schedule these past few months has given me a major opportunity to develop my skills and find myself again. While it’s been majorly enriching, living without an externally defined schedule has posed some big challenges to my time management abilities. Here’s a few tips from me to make the most of each day.

1. Start early: As the saying goes, “the early bird gets the worm”. Starting your days early enables you to fully appreciate the depth of time in the day’s 24 hours. Getting to work early has also been linked with many things, including increased productivity and a better working mood.

2. Set day goals: Goal setting is another major way to ensure maximal use of time and resources. Setting achievable goals helps you to remain focused on the task at hand and makes it easier to avoid distractions. Setting day goals also helps to improve accountability, consistency and goes a long way in reducing procrastination while working.

3. Pace yourself: While it’s important to set and stick to your goals, it’s equally important to take things slowly. Pacing yourself helps to avoid untimely burnout and exhaustion. While overworking yourself to meet that deadline might seem good in the short run, it would ultimately expose you to exhaustion and invariably lead to reduced long run productivity. So, remember to always take it slowly. Slow and steady wins the race after all.

4. Reflect: Finally, it’s important to reflect on whatever you’re doing. Take a step back from it all to assess and address. If something isn’t working, cut it out. If it is working out, keep it in. If it’s weak, focus on it. Whatever the case might be, reflecting on your activities helps you to develop new ways to work and achieve set goals.

Remember to celebrate yourself in all your doings. Give yourself that good pat on the back. It not only boosts your self-confidence, but could also expose you to new opportunities.

Undoubtedly, many of you reading this blogpost may be a student just like my very own self, I do hope that the ASUU strike is eventually called off before the end of the year. But truthfully, the main crux is what happens next.

Be a step ahead! Better days are here!🎉

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Twitter on @vilio316 or on Instagram at @vilio316.

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