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Let’s Talk About It— Day 4 of 30Guests in 30Days

The welcome wagon to the weekend is finally here! Is it really Day 4? Hahaaa, most definitely.

Let’s get real with some Friday feels!🔥😁

Why do we make promises in excitement and fail to keep them when the "high" is gone?


I mean this is a cause for worry! Am I the only one bothered by this??! Somebody reason with me please.


A lot of us (I find myself guilty of it too) are quick to make promises when we are filled with excitement, without logically thinking of the execution plans. Then later we get super overwhelmed and wish we hadn't opened our mouths and made that promise.


A typical example, at the joining of a husband and wife, each party says their vows with the look of sincerity, some with so much joy that they begin to shed tears. But four years down the line, Uncle Silvanus who said, "I would love you for better, for worse, in sickness, and in health... till death do us part", finds out his wife can't give birth to more than one child because of the medical complications at the birth of their first child. Now, Aunty Sade receives a daily truck load of insults, threats and curses from our dear uncle, all because of an unpredicted circumstance, which is a term in the binding promise (marital contract) Uncle Silvanus signed excitedly on his wedding day.


Or, what about Daddy Olanrewaju, Todun's overdo uncle, who promised to sponsor her tertiary education in New Jersey, after her father's passing. Now, Todun aced her examinations and was ready for college two years ago. She has been trying to reach Daddy Olanrewaju for the past two years, his numbers have been switched off and he is never "around" at home or in his office.


The honest truth is, we all tend to fall victim of this at some point (well, some more than others). And the best way to avoid being tagged with the labels of disappointment and failed promises is to...


First, never make promises when you are not sure that fulfilling them will be a breeze. That might be quite hard for some because they live on making false promises, but it takes intentionality and discipline if you don't wanna be disgraced.


Second, never commit yourself fully even when you think it might be easy. The thing is some things might be easy at the moment you make that promise, but what if the situation changes? So, instead of using words like; " I've got you", "you are covered", "I assure you", you can use "let me see if i can do something about this", "can I get back to you on this?". They are more dignified, and you won't be offending anyone nor committing yourself yet.


My dear brethren, henceforth, let's see that we no longer make unrealistic promises and renege.

Let's connect!🎉


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