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Let’s Talk About It— Day 14 of 30Guests in 30Days

If you're looking for a sign that you can get your work done today, this is it. It's Day 14, ladies and gents.

Practicing law has always been something I wanted to do. It all started when I was little and always wanted to be a beacon of hope to people in need.

I graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) with a degree in law in 2019. I just concluded the National Youth Service Corps ( One year compulsory service of your country lol ) and I am a freelance Graphic / Product designer. 

“If you really feel stuck… don’t wait too long to make the move.”

I have always liked designs. I had an eye for colors and balance. I just knew when something was off and I was always curious about how people created these things.

Coming out of uni, I wasn’t certain I wanted to practice law, so while waiting for admission to the Nigerian Law School and also with the Corona Virus pandemic, I had a lot of time to think about what I could do to build something meaningful with my life. All I had was the laptop I used for my final year project. I got some design materials from Youtube and would visit cyber cafes frequently to download and install the softwares I needed for my tech journey.

I learned so much in very fast pace ( thankfully because I am a fast learner ) and after the first 6 months of learning from online resources, I found a mentor who would help shape my personal skills and strengths and from there, I knew for a fact that I have the potential to be an awesome designer.

The one obstacle (or two!) that I had was that tech is expensive. You spend so much money on data! ( I still do) Ah… all these network providers just dey cash out.

Also, there was imposter syndrome and the fact that no one wants to hire junior designers; everyone wants a professional with “Tati years experience”.

Once I started off with few designs and case studies, I was able to come up with my portfolio which helped me applied for jobs.

The flexibility that tech affords, allowing you work remotely and even deciding sometimes, whether or not to take some jobs is one of the very things I love about tech. One of the companies I got to work with was a company in India and that broadened my horizon and I started to reach out for more.

Feel free to check out some of my projects over the course of these past few months.

Life is all about networking right? Let's Connect!🥳

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