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Let’s Talk About It — Day 13 of 30Guests in 30Days

Happy Sunday guys, it's Day 13 of Let's Talk About It with #30Guestsin30Days. And of course it's a good day to refuel for another great week ahead.

Find your purpose, they said.

It is the very reason for your life, they said.

If you live in the 21st century and are connected to the internet or social media, these are definitely statements you must have heard over and again. The craze of finding this elusive thing called “purpose” seems to have swept many people up. With how frequently it is touted about, one might assume that “finding” your purpose is akin to finding the lost leg of your shoe or your missing airpod.

In reality, it is often difficult, tricky, slippery, elusive.

Trust me, purpose is not about money or pleasure. That’s why we still have rich people who feel dissatisfied even with all their earnings and achievements. Purpose goes much deeper than that.

It is that gnawing feeling in your insides that you were meant for more, that you can do more, be more. That uneasiness, that discontent, that feeling that you’re in the wrong place no matter how highly placed that is, that lingering emotion that just won’t let you be.

For some, who have found their purpose, you are very lucky. For those who are still searching, here’s a few tips that may help.

- Everyone has a purpose. God did not create anybody by accident. We are all imbued with our special reasons for existence. You may have tried to understand it for years without success, or maybe you aren’t even bothered about it and you believe that “everything will come in its due time.” Whatever category you fall into, just know and understand that you have one and its waiting for you to unleash it.

- Purpose is not ambition. Purpose goes much deeper. For instance, a child born in a family of lawyers might say his ambition is to become a lawyer. But if that same child was born into a family of doctors, their ambition would have been to become a doctor. Ambition can change based on environment or circumstances. But purpose is constant. It does not change cause God has just one reason for sending you into the world.

- Passion and talent can point you in the right direction. In our search for our elusive friend called purpose, there are several of purpose’s friends that can help tell us where to find him. Two of them are passion and talent. Passion is that love, that special fire that burns in your heart when a particular topic is raised.

Talent is that ability of yours to do a certain thing very well, e.g. public speaking. There are certain people who are born orators, who can hold audiences spell-bound for hours with their oratory prowess. Others might be gifted with insane organizing skills; the gift to handle huge matters in minutes. Watch your passions and talents carefully. They may point you somewhere.

- Eliminate distractions. To live a life of purpose, you need to have tunnel vision. Brutally cut off habits, attitudes and objects that would hinder you from living a purposeful life.

- The God factor is the most important. It would be a great tragedy to forget the place of God in the search for purpose.

Who is better to tell you the reason why you were created than the person that made you? Attempting to find purpose without God is like trying to drive a car without the two back tires – you won’t go very far.

Parting words: Purpose is not that thing you see when you sleep and dream. It is that thing that doesn’t let you sleep (Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam)

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