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Let’s Talk About It— Day12 of 30Guests in 30 Days

It’s showtime guys! Day12 is LIVE! Here we go!

Films are a reflection of society; they transform the way we see the world. For cinema lovers, films are not merely a source of entertainment, they are their escape from the world, an extension of their personality and sometimes, also their therapy.

Censuring Nollywood movies does not mean I am expressing negative sentiments or emotions. No, No. All I am doing is the art of analyzing and evaluating film and television in written form and visually occasionally.

Generally, I would rate Nollywood movies 40% when it comes to entertaining the viewers

The Nollywood industry seems slowly but surely may attain new heights or if the industry doesn’t change is views and goals the industry might just continue to be slow, as a viewer and upcoming movie critic (as some of my friends sees me) I appear to have flipped the scripts and begun to mix out ridiculous content of Nollywood movie and feel disappointed and not pleased with whatever Nollywood is doing right now.

I know Nollywood faces two major issues like the lack of government support and piracy but that should not be enough excuse to give us ridiculous contents. All I am trying to say is that it is painful to pay the amount we pay at the cinema to see a Nollywood movie and end out not to be thrilled up or satisfied with whatever you might have seen, is just like paying for sadness (and nobody wants to be sad).

Any film features several elements which includes plot (like the story), characters (but I will be talking about the casting majorly), scenes, structure, and dialogues. And with all this five elements I have used to survey the Nollywood industry.




The plot is the flow of events and actions that consequently develop in a story. Most of Nollywood plot are predictable, few actions are unpredictable, like why would pay writers and directors and the movie turns out not to be exciting, suspenseful, thrilling and mind blowing movie like why? Why? Sometimes this movies don’t entail all the excitement, suspense, thrills and mind blowing content because it either you have seen such content before somewhere, which shows the lack of creativity from the director majorly this time and not the play writer.

Recently most Nollywood movies make no sense because is just comedy although, like imagine paying big actors large money to act comedy. If you want to act comedy you don’t need to spend too much on such project like imagine Rowan Atkinson(Mr. Bean) making a movie and bring in Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, Robert Downing Jr. and many other great actors all to make a comedy that doesn’t last than 1 hour 30 minutes. I rest my case.

The solution to the plot issue is that even if Nollywood industry don’t have good writers there are more than 1000historical stories they can tell like that of the ODUDUWA lineage and so many more and should start letting the story correspond to the characters’ motivations (please).

I would gladly rate Nollywood movie’s plot 2/10.


The movie’s structure is how the parts relate to each other or how the plot is built and so far the plot of most movies are bad, the structure would hardly be good because the exposition (introducing the key characters and their circumstances) are always famously poor also the rising action (mounting tension that leads to the story’s climax) very bad, then the climax itself (like Oh My God), well the falling action sometimes are good, but the denouement (a resolution that brings the story to an end)are always the worst like Nollywood movies are always ending badly (you would be like what the hell).

I would gladly rate Nollywood movie’s structure 4/10.


A dialogue is a conversation between two or more characters. To be truthful, the dialogue in Nollywood movies are manageable (they are the best thing about Nollywood movie) the dialogues are great— like awesome.

Good dialogues should not be protracted as they are to sound natural. Most Nollywood movies dialogues sounds natural although sometimes not logical to the conversation. But the dialogues most of the time are natural (just imagine Richard Mofe-Damijo dialogue with Ramsey Nouah in your head).

The body language of the actors mostly correspond with the gestures of their words I think Odunlade Adekola is very good at that.

I would gladly rate Nollywood movie’s dialogue 7.5-8/10.


A scene is a self-contained episode within a larger work. When it comes to acting like dramatizing scenes the industry have good enough actors to play the role well but our directors are not that good and they are not even trying to improve their performance. The cast do react to conflict well.But the casting of some characters are wrong because the director picked fame and popularity over who would have really fit into the character (a movie like Ayinla the casting was wrong someone like Terry Apala would have killed into the character).

I would gladly rate Nollywood movie’s dialogue 5/10.


Characterization is the description of the characters’ personalities, beliefs, and motivations. The characters’ dress, talk, act, or look sometimes don’t corresponds with the impression they should create. Which shows how bad the casting crew in Nollywood movies are and the essential thing is that the better the characters are developed, the more character-driven the story is.

But Nollywood is where she is because of bad directors and none caring audience, because the right motivation of the characters makes the audience believe the story, but when the casting is faulty how would we believe the story.

I would gladly rate Nollywood movie’s character 1/10.

This is my humble

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Name: Aanuoluwa Oluwapelumi OLA

IG: lapo_nism

Twitter: AanuoluwaOla (laponism)


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