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Let’s Talk About It— Day 27 of 30Guests in 30Days

Its Day 27 of Let's Talk About with #30Guestsin30Days on DETAILS.

How did I come about the business? Let me start by saying that selling chin chin or making chin chin wasn’t part of my dream. It was when I was in 200 level, after paying my school fees and in my account, left in it, was a small change. I asked myself what should I use this money for? I don’t want to spend it and disturb my Daddy in the future.

I was intentional about doing business, a business that people will boost my relationship with people(and give me more opportunities to interact with more people) on a daily basis, but I didn’t know the type of business to venture into. I had in my secondary school undertook the subject, Human Nutrition where we were taught how to make different kinds of food and snacks. Later, I went to the market to buy ingredients and equipment for cakes. When I got back, the enthusiasm I had for the business was no more. In fact, the equipment remained untouched till I gave them out.

I had to take a break to contemplate on my next move. Communicating with people is one of my best traits. This helped me to ask one of my friends on what type of business she would love me to do. The answer she gave to me wasn’t satisfying.

However, one night, I questioned myself “Favour, why don’t you make chin chin?”. That was how the answer came. But before I took that bold step, there was self-doubt. I am a shy person, but people don’t always believe that I am one. For people like me, it will take me more than normal courage exhibited by people who are not shy to do this kind of business. No doubt, I would feel very shy people calling me Afi Chin Chin (laugh).

After taking that decision, I changed my mind from a person desiring making cake to a person who seriously wants to make chin chin. The first Chin Chin I made, took the picture, and kept it. It is still on my phone. I had no sticker, but I still uploaded it on my social media. I made one jar of chin chin which I sold at the rate of N500 then. I also made 15 pieces of chin chin sold at the rate of N50. Subsequently, orders kept coming. One of those orders which came was more than the quantity of the chin chin I made. This motivated me a lot to continue the business. I am happy that people keep loving my products and wouldn’t stop patronizing me.

About the branding, I had no knowledge of business at all. It was people that I asked about how I could brand my business that proffered solutions. It was God who helped me by gifting me those people.

My main challenge has to do with Finances and country’s economy. The economy is not encouraging young people to venture into business at all. The continuous increase in price of goods cum the materials I use to make my products. For instance, I went to the market on Tuesday last week. In the same week, I went to the market, but bought the same goods I bought on Tuesday on an increased price variance. This caused me to often remove money from my own personal budget to support my business in order to keep the business afloat.

This isn’t encouraging to young entrepreneurs. If we sell our products to match the existing economic reality, our customers will run away from us thinking we are the people inflating the price. I receive complaints often from those who want to patronize me about the price of my products. One of those complaints came from Instagram where a customer who ordered chin chin complained about the price even though the quantity of my product average higher than what is being sold in the market for the same price. She wouldn’t be expecting me to sell at the lowest rate.


I have four pieces of advice to give. Firstly, For all entrepreneurs including myself, we should never forget God. If I should look back and recollect the calibre of people I met just by selling my products, I am not sure my academic qualifications(being an undergraduate) would have ever done that for me for now and it was all because of God. God should always be our priority in everything. I always ask God for direction and he is usually there to help. There was a day I prayed for directions while cutting dough. Believe me, inspiration came and subsequent reactions to the product was mind-blowing.

Secondly, you should never prioritize money. YES!!! We need money, but we should never prioritise it. The Bible says that the love of money is the root of evil. Let's continue building ourselves by working harder, trust me people and money will come naturally. There is an adage that says slow and steady wins the race, if we keep working hard, the money will come.

Thirdly, Surround yourself with the right people. There was discouragement from some of my friends. When I started some of them called me shi shi. However, having other friends that encouraged me made the difference. In fact, if I have one friend discouraging, there are other five encouraging me. Surround yourself with the right people and you’re good to go.

Lastly, Stay happy. You can achieve this by having cordial relationship with God and holy spirit.

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