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Let’s Talk About It— Day 17 of 30Guests in 30Days

Ladies and gents, it's Day17 of the Let's Talk About It Series on DETAILS.

With the global workforce projected to absorb 149 million new technology-oriented jobs between 2020 and 2025, the endless opportunities in tech are barely debatable.” – excerpt.


From giving the country a bad international reputation and also promoting other social vices, the growing effects of cybercrime in the society cannot be overestimated.


If there’s any social vices that’s laying claim to much legitimacy in the society, it’s the popular internet fraud known as “yahoo yahoo” in the Nigerian parlance.


To fight this menace, it is important to provide teenagers and the next generation an alternative. This alternative must be one that is legitimate and sustainable. It must be one that addresses the quick money syndrome faced by our teeming youths.


Cybercrime has silently taken over Nigerian society. It is not enough to speak against a vice, especially one as absolute and as engrained as cybercrime. It is more important to provide teenagers and the next generation with an alternative. One that provides great economic and societal advantages.


With the world in a full-blown technology frenzy, Nigerian society must take hold of the opportunity to provide teenagers and young Nigerians with tech and digital skills. These skills will serve as an alternative to cybercrime and also help prepare Nigerian youths to compete with other countries molding a tech-savvy generation.


The skills will help keep kids out of vices and provide a viable opportunity and pathway to a legitimate source of livelihood. Moreover, since the world is increasingly becoming dependent on the internet and technology, the importance of digital literacy will only continue to grow, especially as job opportunities continue to increase for skilled individuals. With the global workforce projected to absorb 149 million new technology-oriented jobs between 2020 and 2025, the endless opportunities in tech are barely debatable.

Since unemployment being the major cause of crime in the society is given credence to by the popular adage which goes thus, “an idle hand is the devil’s workshop”, with the new limitless digital opportunities, there would be a massive reduction of crime as youths no longer need to wait for nonexistent governmental jobs when they can compete for global opportunities on the need. 

Nigeria is really at an advantage to becomea major shareholder of the global digital economy as over fifty percent of its population are between 18 to 40 years of age. It is 2022; governmental bodies and private organizations should be involved in improving the human capacity.

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