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Monday Memo|Detail No.107| June 24, 2024

Hello there,

It's a brand new monday on the arena.

Based on our usuals, Monday Memo is LIVE.

Last week, we started with the first part of the Six Q's. Today, we're are concluding the series by delving into the remaining three—AQ, PM, MQ.

Sit tight and enjoy the ride.

Let's do a quick recap on the Q's.

The six Q’s — IQ (Intelligence Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient), CQ (Curiosity Quotient), AQ (Adversity Quotient), PQ (Passion Quotient), and MQ (Moral Quotient) — collectively represent a holistic approach to personal and professional development.

AQ (Adversity Quotient)

AQ measures one's resilience and ability to thrive amidst challenges and setbacks. High AQ individuals demonstrate perseverance, agility, and a growth mindset, essential qualities for overcoming obstacles, adapting to change, and turning adversity into opportunities.

MQ (Moral Quotient)

MQ relates to ethical decision-making, integrity, and values-driven behavior. It underscores the importance of acting with honesty, fairness, and accountability in all professional interactions, fostering trust and respect among colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

PQ (Passion Quotient)

The final attribute is the one you may have heard least about, though I find it to be the most important of all. It’s also the one trait you can’t cultivate. It’s passion. Why do you think on job interviews, the panel typically ask people about their passions. Because there’s no right or wrong answer. It doesn’t matter whether it’s sports, music, or trying to make the world a better place. They are looking for signs that this is the kind of person who will throw their all into something...someone who cares deeply about making a difference, no matter what he or she is involved in.

Why is passion important? One, I find that passionate people tend to be more focused. They will stick with a problem longer and see it to the end. They don’t give up and they’re not easily derailed. Steve Jobs had passion, and his products and his organization were a success because of it. Also, passion and its cousin, optimism, can be contagious. And finally, people with passion tend to have more fun. And if you can’t make work fun, you can’t sustain through the ups and downs that inevitably will come. And finally, they’re intellectually curious and have unbounding energy.

Syncing the Six Q’s for Success

Achieving success involves more than excelling in one or two dimensions; it requires a balanced synchronization of all six Q’s. Here’s how each Q contributes to a cohesive and impactful career strategy:

Integration of IQ and EQ: Combine technical expertise with strong interpersonal skills to lead effectively, communicate persuasively, and collaborate seamlessly within teams.

PQ and AQ Synergy: Maintain passion and resilience to sustain high performance under pressure, adapting swiftly to changing circumstances and emerging stronger from challenges.

CQ and MQ Alignment: Cultivate a curious mindset that values learning and innovation while upholding ethical standards in decision-making, ensuring that growth is guided by principles of integrity and responsibility.

Embrace the journey of continuous growth and adaptation, leveraging each Q to propel your career towards new heights of success and satisfaction.

Memo will be back.

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