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Let’s Talk About It— Day 30 of 30Guests in 30Days

Everything that has a beginning must come to an end, but the best way to that ending is to hinge it to a factor that supersedes all!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a ride! It's Day 30 of Let's Talk About It with #30Guestsin30Days on DETAILS.🔥🎉

We make life choices hoping for a desired outcome that pleases us. We go through life process hoping they transform us into the person we want to be or where we want to be. Those outcomes are influenced by a myriad of factors , some of which we can control and many of which we can’t . As much as we’d love to have control over our lives , things sometimes spiral out of control leaving us disappointed and discouraged.


A child’s intelligence and school performance are influenced by a host of factors which include genetics, nutrition, parenting, home and school environments, teaching and learning resources amongst others. A healthy input of these factors will make an intelligent, high-performing child while a disruption in one or more of these factors will tell negatively on the child’s performance.

Two people of the same race, gender and educational background could apply for the same job and one might get the job because of better communication skills or even better looks.

While there are different factors that could affect the outcomes in different situations, certain factors produce the greatest effects. We can sometimes learn to control the factors in a situation to get us the best outcomes and be clueless or unsuccessful in other situations.


Finding a singular factor that can produce consistent successful outcomes in all situations would be the answer to controlling life and it’s outcomes.

The good news is there’s one whose singular influence in every situation guarantees a successful and beautiful outcome.

This one is not a thing , he is a being, the all powerful being who has control over every factor there is. This being is none else but God.

For man to find that control over life and it’s outcome, he has to be willing to lose control to God.

God is not just all powerful, he is love. Because he is love, he created man to enjoy dominion over everything else he did create. When man messed up this privilege in rebellion to him, he still gave up himself to restore man back to him to enjoy all that he gives.

As much as God wants and is ever ready to give the best of all things to man, he won’t force it on anyone but on those who freely come to him.

The complexity of life can now be simply solved with one factor rather than many, and that factor is the God factor, the one factor that influences every other. God has a way of putting all factors together in the perfect proportion to guarantee great results for you. By trusting God in all situations, you can be assured that all things will work together for your good, not by chance but by God’s power working in, through and for you.

Sometimes trusting God might mean certain things don’t appear as you wanted, and some plans don’t come in the exact way you wished but you can be assured , he always works out the end much more glorious and perfect than you ever imagined.


You have been doing it all alone for so long with lots of hits and misses, now is the time to surrender to God who makes all things beautiful.

You might have messed things up badly and made lots of mistakes in life,  God can turn every situation around for your good. He loves you so much and he is always looking for an opportunity to put a lasting smile on your face.

You need not worry about all the factors , you only need to hold on to one, the God factor.

Let's connect!🎉🔥


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