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Let’s Talk About It— Day 10 of 30Guests in 30Days

If I am to run some maths, I will categorically state that today is day "one-third" of Let's Talk About It Series with #30Guestsin30Days on DETAILS. Try and calculate to see if my conclusion is accurate.

I bet it tallies, let's begin.😁😁

If I start collecting $1 each for every person that has asked me how I do it, how I'm so consistent in the things I do like (story telling, WhatsApp marketing, YouTube, networking, Coaching and Birthing Visions in my heart. I probably will get at least $5 daily and that will be like $150 monthly and $1,825 in a year, (wait or should I turn this to a business)🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

From my experience as a Coach, Consultant and an Influencer, leveraging on my various skills, I discovered an untold secret to consistency. This secret is your mind, mindset and mindedness.

Allow me to explain using these 5 thought process.

Thought 1: Consistency is who you are.

I know, you’re like what's she talking about, yeah I know. Consistency is rooted in a source and that source is you.

I remember when I learned this it was alien to me so I sought for understanding. I'm a believer and I love the Lord, right? Good, and everyday since when I was born, I have been opening my eyes every morning to see a new day, right? now tell me, What manner or kind of consistency is that😲. This taught me something, if I'm made in the image of God that means I have the ability in me to be like God and do things like he does right. That blew my mind away.

The ability to be consistent is rooted in who you are.

Thought 2: Come to accept Consistency as a way of life.

When you understand this, you get to know that it's a journey, becoming a consistent person is a journey. It's gradual which enables you to be able to give yourself the grace to learn Consistency.

Yes, Consistency can be learned, instead of trying so hard all the time to be consistent, why not try to learn it.

Thought 3: Consistency is in the little things and it grows.

"People who do big things are people who have mastered how to do small things over and over again" - Uncle HS to TOLUWAKEMI

A lot of people want to be consistent in the big things and that's not right. For instance, they want to read 1 book per month, they start the book and on the first day, it is great but the second day is the issue, they don't show up.

Instead of them coming to their level and do things like reading for 45/30/15 minutes everyday.

See, the second day is always the issue when it comes to consistency that's why you have make today enticing enough that you can look forward to what tomorrow will bring.

Thought 4: Be Consistent where you are.

Stop looking at consistency from the eyes of your future self, focus on you today, and be consistent for you now. Learn Consistency now so that your future self can be used to it and won't struggle.

Thought 5: Be Consistent by Design and not by Desire.

I believe strongly that by design there's a divine encoding in you that causes you to be consistent if only you can calm down, accept yourself and understand your journey.

These thoughts, mindset and mindedness are what grounds me and makes me look consistent, they are the foundation that builds up the actions I take.

Let's connect🎉🔥

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