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Monday Memo| Detail No.97| April 15, 2024


It's a brand new Monday.

As our norms, Monday Memo is LIVE.

Quick question—Are you a Catalyst?

Based on my experiences, learning and journey of life till now have slightly modified definition of catalyst to mean— A person who by his actions selflessly helps, mentors, influences and guides other people - professionally and /or personally in their lives and in the process inspires them to enjoy their life journey and make their lives fulfilling and better.

And so I ask again, Are you a Catalyst? Who are your Catalysts? What are you Catalysts?

Many of us are wary of change, though it’s often a good thing. And, at times, we all need change.

Often, there may be something or someone who encourages such a transformation. That makes them a catalyst, and having such a change agent in our lives can be wonderfully helpful at times.

Today's memo is one small way of recognizing and appreciating all the wonderful “Catalysts— People” in my life – with whom I have been fortunate to be associated and also share how they have ignited meaningful core values in my life. These people in their own special and unique ways have shaped – some of the good qualities within me. 

Be it my teachers, my friends, my relatives, my parents, my colleagues, that good samaritan, my family, speakers and distinguished panelists at various forums and even the younger generation. These people have contributed to my sustained enthusiasm, energy levels and motivated me to lift myself up whenever the chips have been down.

It’s difficult to put a value to all the noble deeds of such people and make a complete list of what I have gained out of the interactions with them. But these are some of the things that have made a lasting impact and stand out:

1. Being humble and staying humble while interacting with all.

2. Being positive in your approach to life and staying consistent in this approach – all of us would have faced / will also face various challenges in life. Just remind yourself that challenges are a part of your life but they are not life in its entirety. And then you will view these as an opportunity and emerge stronger and better with each one of them.

3. Don't hoard, share a portion of your knowledge, skills, wealth with the needy— life has given us so much and there are quite a lot of people within the society who struggle each day to meet their basic necessities. Each one of us can contribute in our own way through various means and post our support we will feel happy to have made a positive difference to the lives of these people. A closed fit

4. Enjoy nature and its beauty—Everyday we wake up and start running to complete our tasks throughout the day till we go to bed. Do take some time out to watch the rising sun, the beautiful flowers from your window, the blue sky, feel the breeze on your face, the birds in the sky. And you will get charged up and feel fresh. 

5. Have a circle of friends— a closer circle of friends and not those types that people have or befriend on the social platforms. Those with whom you can laugh and cry with, relate who will run for you and help and in one simple word will help you to be yourself. 

6. Have a hobby and play—it can be any hobby that you like - other than the TV and mobile games playing. And if you don’t have any then develop one. There are so many of them – entailing physical activity like badminton, football, swimming, hockey etc. and the subtle non-physical ones like cards, chess, reading and so on. These will also keep your brain engaged, involved and help in keeping your mind active.

7. Laugh aloud at-least once in a day—be it by cracking a joke with your friends, having fun moments with your inner circle, relatives or by viewing any hilarious stuff on TV. These will give you a refreshing feeling and help in inspiring you to deal with the daily mundane chores. Seive the negative news flying around social media.

8. Less noise, more action.

9. BELIEVE— Even when it looks like the dark cloudy skies are not changing, keep your faith.

10. Let your presence be felt in your absence, never let absence be felt in your presence.

Dear reader, this is an Ignition for you to be a Catalyst to yourself, and to your closest neighbour today.

See you next week.

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