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Monday Memo| Detail No.96| April 08, 2024

Hi there!

Happy new week.

Quick question! Have you ever felt trapped in a stagnant state, unable to make headway toward your aspirations? Have you ever felt that your efforts are not yielding the results your desire? Have you ever compared yourself to others?

It's an all–too–familiar struggle, but fear not, today's Memo is capable of breaking that cycle.

Today's ignition is about activating the energy—a powerful force that holds the key of pushing the boundaries and supercharging your life by making you made for MORE.

Activation energy, refers to the energy required to initiate a chemical reaction. However, its significance extends far beyond the realm of chemistry. Like chemical reactions, factors like motivation, words, emotions, social support, and environmental cues influence this energy threshold.

Activating the energy can be harnessed in everyday life to achieve goals and enhance overall well-being. Just as chemical reactions necessitate energy to initiate, embarking on new projects, forming habits, or making personal changes demands a certain level of ignition.

This energy can stem from a variety of sources, including motivation, inspiration, or a sense of purpose. However, similar to chemical reactions, they can also be hampered by factors such as fear, procrastination, anxiety or self-doubt.

To apply the concept of activation energy to our daily lives, it is crucial to identify the factors impeding your progress. For instance, if you aspire to finish a task but constantly find yourself conjuring excuses, you must examine the activation energy required to overcome inertia and get moving.

One effective strategy for reducing the activation energy needed for a new habit is to simplify the initial steps. Breaking down the habit into smaller, manageable actions, setting specific times and places, or enlisting the support of a friend, acquaintance or accountability partner can all facilitate a smoother start.

Eliminating obstacles that obstruct our path is another powerful way to lower activation energy. For instance, if your goal is to write a book or curate a creative, but you frequently succumb to distractions from social media, it's best to remove social media apps from your device or employ website blockers to limit access.

Creating a sense of urgency is yet another strategy for increasing activation energy. By setting deadlines or establishing consequences for inaction, we can generate the necessary energy to kick-start our efforts. For example, if you struggle with impulsive spending despite desiring to save money, setting a savings goal and implementing a consequence for falling short—such as donating to a cause we do not support—can provide the necessary impetus.

More so, if you have a target of achieving some landmark goals, highlighting the repercussions of not sticking to the principles will ignite your actions.

Lastly, cultivating a growth mindset enhances activation energy. Believing in our capacity to change and improve empowers us to overcome obstacles and take action toward our goals.

Let nothing blur your focus. When you believe it, you achieve it. You are made for MORE.

Monday Memo will be back.

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