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Monday Memo| Detail No.82 | January 1, 2024.

Janaury Monthly Theme—Out with the Old, In with the New.

Happy New Year,

Monday Memo is LIVE!

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For old time folks, our excitement transcends to you as well.

Permit me to give a brief overview of the new creative—Monday Memo. As the name implies, it is a Memo— you read—on Mondays. The mission of this creative is to help members of DETAILS community with productivity and focus through 2024 and beyond.

Monday Memo brings good tidings like to-do's, know-hows, strategies, plans, ideas, and tricks. All of these cuts across all spheres. So, fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride.

You may be asking yourselves, why is the theme for January “Out with the old, In with the new”? Isn’t that the same as setting resolutions? No, it isn’t. Before you can make outer changes in your life, you must make inner ones.

So, the ‘Old’ here is old paradigms — negative thinking and strategies that no longer serve you. The ‘New” here is new paradigms — positive thinking and strategies that creates joy and a sense of well-being.

On today’s memo, the old paradigm is Complaints while the new paradigm is Gratitude.

Quick question— How will you feel grateful if I offered you $50,000 for everything you could think of to be grateful for?

You’d probably say how much time do I have? You would think of thousand things to be grateful for because you would be thinking purposeful. If your internal antenna is looking for gratitude, it will find it! If you are in the habit of seeing the glass half empty instead of half full, you are going to have to challenge that habit if you want to live your life with a sense of gratitude.

Why do we even want to feel gratitude? Very simply, because gratitude feels good and it brings out the best in us. Everything points to gratitude. It’s the epitome of healthy functioning in action. When we feel grateful, everything in us looks good, and we feel good. You have to recognize gratitude as a force in your life, because that’s when you being to permeate your entire existence. The beneficiaries of this grateful feeling will your self-esteem, your relationships, your well-being, your career, your hopes, your dreams, your problems, your unborn discoveries and your future.

When you live in the feeling of gratitude, the rest of life will take care of itself. If you cannot solve a problem, when you feel gratitude, more than likely that problem will be solved!

It’s interesting to discover that we do not really need to have anything in particular to be grateful for in order to feel grateful. Instead, all we have to do is feel it. Gratitude stems for our thinking and not the circumstances of our lives.

Starting right now, you too can be happy. Begin to look for what’s right in your life and take your gaze away from the wrongs. Keep looking and don’t give up until it becomes a lifestyle. Look out for those sparks—yes, that what it's about.

Try these new feelings all through the year and watch your entire experience as a human being change before your eyes. You have to change today, right now. A change of heart can happen in this instant, in this moment.

In this year, eject the complaints, and make Gratitude the NEW!  

Yours truly,


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