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Monday Memo| Detail No.105| June 10, 2024

Hi, it's a brand new Monday.

Last week, we started with the first part of Integral Process of Sync.

Sit tight and the enjoy the other part.

When you’re out of sync with the Life you:

  • Often feel as if life is working against you and you struggle a lot.

  • Everything feels hard and there’s a lot of frustration.

  • You have anxiety and feel stressed out and maybe you’re even depressed.

  • Relationships are out of balance or unhealthy and you keep attracting the same old energy into your life over and over again without understanding why.

  • You feel stuck and are sometimes paralyzed with worry and fear.

There’s a sense of not having enough; not having enough time, not having enough resources or money, not having enough this or that.

In other words; there’s disharmony in your life and things seem out of balance.

You experience lack. A lack of joy, fun, passion and purpose, and maybe you even look at other people’s lives with envy and resentment asking yourself “why can’t I have that?”.

In essence; you feel unhappy and dissatisfied with your life.

Does some or most of the points I mentioned describe how you experience life?

Then make it your #1 priority to maximize this integral process.

The answers and solutions you seek is in syncing the essentials of LIFE.

Not being in sync is not life, it’s merely an existence, and I don’t know about you, but that is never enough for me.

I don't just want to exist; I want to LIVE.

Syncing transcends the emotional and mental well-being. It’s effortlessness and ease and having inner peace and being able to relax and have fun.

Life should not be an endless cycle of striving and struggling. 

Having fun and enjoying yourself is sooo important!

It is about moving through life feeling calm and confident and where you have a deep love-connection with the world so there’s always a sense of deep gratitude and appreciation.

You see beauty everywhere and you’re always guided from within and synchronicity and magic is the norm.

Being in sync like this takes away pressure, stress and resistance; it falls away as you get out of your own way and yield and surrender to the Universal

It is possible for you to live and release your inner power and energy so that you can realize your potential and desires with ease instead of stress and struggle.

Your alignment deepens your connection with yourself and your relationship with the Universe.

When you’re in sync with yourself you live in harmony with the Universe, and enables you to enjoy a stress-free life.

No one needs to live with stress, fear, worry etc.

Sync is harmony, and it gives you a fuller, richer, and more inspired experience of life.

Monday Memo will be back.

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