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Updated: Aug 21, 2021


August is moving real quick, I bet I might just ask for a pause and I might just not, afterall the best time of the year is brewing.😉

Drops of rain, warm refreshing rays and cozy nights have passed. Dearest readers, its another day, another chance to share my passions with you. I’m sure that some of you are aware of my love for football. If this comes as a shock, don’t be bilwildered—It is what it is.

It is worthy to note that my love for football doesn’t make me a Tom boy in anyway lol, even though I love guys outfits, cars and football. I am very much feminine. I love my gowns— classy and chic and my shoes— sharp and nice.

As a girl who enjoys attending and watching a football match every now and then, I anchored sport programs whilst in my undergraduate days.


I think I deserve some accolades. This is not the major info about today’s detail though!😌

Personally, football season is hands down the best time of the year. From the chilly nights to banters. During the rest of the year, weekends are like any other day, but during football season... weekends become sacred. They are a time for delicious snacks, never moving from your TV, and cheering for your favourite man in tight football pants. OK, OK, so not every girl or guy loves football for its touchdowns and crazy interceptions. Whether you are completely obsessed with football or have no idea what sport is even on the T.V., I have a few thoughts to share.


For the past few years I have supported the best club in the world FCBARCELONA, not just because it’s a football club but because of its core values.

The history of the club states that “nothing can ever break us, no matter the storms. This is a mantra that emphasizes pushing on! Also, the slogan of the club is Mens en que club which implies More than a club! FCBARCELONA is a family where we the fans are called CULERS. It‘s a club that appreciates the diversity of different cultures in the world. These core values: family, persistence and optimism are values I uphold with high esteem.


When people ask what my favourite sport is, I quickly reply football. I never really gave much thought to who my favourite soccer player is until I saw the Argentine maestro Lionel Messi for the first time. I saw him play for FCBARCELONA and he showed me how great football really is. He shows both individual skill and the importance of teamwork. He does not only score a ton of goals, but also gives many assists. His magnificent speed, composure, control, teamwork and strength are hard to replicate. With so many qualities fused in one, there is much we can learn from him. Without him, who knows if I would still enjoy football lol.

Lionel Messi, in my opinion, is the greatest football player in history. Lionel Messi is most definitely one of my role models. Messi doesn’t only teach me how to improve on individual skill but also shows me the importance of not showing off. The football skill that this man has is unbelievable. Messi is a great mentor. He gives players tips and tricks, passes the ball to them in games so they can get better. His greatness cannot be quantified with a billion blogpost.

You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.”


The journey of Messi winning the CopaAmerica2021 was a tough one after losing five finals, a World Cup Final inclusive.

Nothing is as hard as that, but I’ve learnt that no matter what, football can never drown. One must continually keep heads high. Everyone has dreams. Some dream about money, others want to succeed in their craft whether it is singing, acting, writing or fashion designing. Whatever it is, you need to grind every day. In the end, the ones who consistently put in the efforts will win.

Sadly, our idol, magican, the best gift football has ever had— LIONEL ANDRES MESSI will no longer play for my dear beloved club. The impact of his greatness over the years can’t be quantified. It is indeed a bittersweet end for the club and the fans.

Leo is leaving, but his legacy cannot be forgotten. “Will absence be felt in your presence or will presence be felt in your absence.” Ponder on this! When your absence is felt, your presence is the essence and it makes a difference.

Life is a flow of changes—transient and empheral. Also when change happens, the next challenge must spur us to be better and do more.

I wish Leo the very best in his new adventure.🎉🎊


The Transient Nature of Life

Though it may seem like from football?What’s the relation. Yes, my connection and thinking can be really deep and beyond.

But think about it, quick reality check! Life is like a snowflake— translucent, adventurous, ephemeral, and beautiful.

From the time we are born until we die, we are given many, many things: Love, pain, special trinkets, memories, people that come and go, opportunities, etc. but these “things”—these wonderful, horrible things all eventually fall apart and decay. Ask any old person you know and find out what they have to say about the transience of life.

Also,change is imminent. We change, we are change, and thus a somber dose of reality is: trying to hold on to any of it is futile.

Here today, gone tomorrow.

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them — that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” — Lao Tzu

Suffering occurs when we expect life to be according to our thoughts and when it doesn’t work out as we expect, sorrow ensues.

We always want things to be different, or we don’t want them to change at all. We complain when it is rainfall, and we curse harmattan. We spend too much time in the past and worry about the future losing sight of “right now.” And the truth is, everything is transient. We forget the good deeds of others just because of a simple and reversible mistake. People trust you with personal information, but you’re the first to spill. Grumpy and rude attitude to those way above you. The streaks of arrogance that some of us sometimes exhibit reflect our illusions about fictitious kingdoms that last forever only in our mind. Neither "kings" nor "kingdoms" will survive the ultimate guillotine of time.

Be an example, someone that others can look up to. So much of what we do is so small, so quaint, so lackluster, that it won’t register on the eulogy when we inevitably pass. It’s these moments between the moments that ultimately make up the bulk of our existence: far away from the manic energy of our IG stories and the deliciously staged candids we pretend not to pose for, as the world sinks into oblivion and the terror of global kleptocratic fascism spreads like a pandemic from nation to nation, spinning into infinity and beyond.

I am not a lifestyle brand, and neither are you. I just write. I cry. I laugh. I am many things, but I am mostly a body. I spend a lot of time talking about family, fashion, style, law, social media, football, music, faith, nature, Nigeria and Africa rising, friendship, dreams, achievement, learning, success, individuality, failure, expectations, thoughts, change, love, time and the very nature of reality. Somehow, it all loosely hangs together.

A Strong Back And Soft Front

“Been in the flow means being aware that the river of life is flowing to us at every moment. Been in the flow means accepting whatever comes and putting it to good use, before passing it on. Going with the flow means allowing whatever comes to move on freely, without holding on in any way.” — Anonymous

In the process of yielding to life, we are softened by the forces imposed upon us. Many people who are uncompromising later develop a humbleness in the aftermath of their ordeal. It is what the Buddhists call a strong back and soft front, meaning to develop the resiliency to stand tall and confront our challenges with openness and compassion.

To quote the Zen Buddhist Joan Halifax who explains in Standing at the Edge: Finding Freedom Where Fear and Courage Meet:

“In other words, we walk around brittle and defensive, trying to conceal our lack of confidence. If we strengthen our backs, metaphorically speaking, and develop a spine that’s flexible but sturdy, then we can risk having a front that’s soft and open, representing choice-less compassion.”

We must adjust our thoughts and flow with the positive lane so it takes us where it needs to. After all, trusting and navigating life means to trust in the infinite intelligence that guides the moon and the stars. How could it possibly be anything less than perfect?

I’ll hit publish now, and within minutes, here you’ll be at the end of this blog containing real life lessons. For now, we are an audience to a play that will only continue for a while. All we can hope for is to enjoy the show in abundance health and wealth while it lasts.

Build a worthy legacy, life itself is transient.

Omodolapo Omosanya


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