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To every premise, there is a conclusion. It’s the last day! On Day 30 of 30 FASHION CODES in 30 Days, I leave you with this parting FASHION CODE— LOVE YOURSELF MORE. Nothing is greater than this.

We should strive to make this the heart of us, the most important journey we can all embark on. Put yourself first for once. Take some time to appreciate the real you. What we all tend to forget about is the importance of loving ourselves. This is not emphasised enough in society – but it certainly should be! We are all amazing, blessed and unique individuals – “no-one is you and that is your power”.

I truly believe that part of loving yourself is embracing who you are – the authentic you. And expressing yourself can be so empowering. Fashion is a great means of doing this and can give you a confidence of feeling great in what you wear.

Let’s embrace our individuality and take pride in our personal style. Our sense of self is reflected in the clothes we wear. What you wear is an extension of yourself, a snippet of your personality… SO LET’S OWN THIS. It’s time to place importance on accepting yourself, been comfortable in your own skin, shining bright, and feeling legitimately happy through dressing for you and loving the clothes you’re wearing.

Practice giving yourself some love and care. You are your highest priority. Be your own inspiration, and truly embrace everything that makes up who you are.

It has been an amazing ride friends. Thank you all! Keep the fire burning!


Omodolapo Omosanya

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