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We live in a world of trends. Trends that never end. They come, they go, they turn around—literally. It’s Day 24 of 30 FASHION CODES IN 30Days and thou must obey the commandment.

Trends influence what all of us wear to some extent, which is fine. But it's never a good idea to slavishly follow fashion at the expense of your own taste and personality. You'll end up losing yourself. Oh - and it's very expensive, lol.

Everyone has a different view when it comes to style. Although I love all things fashion, I do not allow the never ending trends get to me. I am not a slave to fashion, technology or anything. To me, that’s the unhealthiest place to be. Being fashionable ought to be fun and creative.

You know how it’s like when the latest outfit gets released and it becomes really popular, but then after a few days or weeks the hype fizzles out? That’s how it is in the fashion industry.

Today one outfit is fashionable and everybody wants to wear it and the next day it gets outdated. Going after the latest fashion trends is like chasing the wind. You can never catch it. It is OK to go after trends you have an interest in but don’t get carried away with the endless stream.

Instead try to figure out and evolve your own style which suits you and makes you feel confident. That might turn out to be unfashionable right now or at some point in future, but if you own it then you'll be fine.

When choosing an outfit to wear, always think about what works with your colouring, frame and general sense of style. Take all of these things into account when you dress up. And don’t forget your personality: we’re all different and your personality should be allowed to shine through in terms of the outfits you choose and how you present yourself in general.

You don’t have to swing at everything. Don’t be a slave to TREND!

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