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What day is it on your Calender? I bet it’s the 23rd Day! The stage is set. Welcome friends, let’s journey through together.

Quote me anywhere, LOGO don’t equal style.

If you love and can afford brands like Chanel, Nike, Jordans, Tom ford, Adidas, more power to you. But if you can't, that doesn't mean you can't be stylish and fashion-forward.

I know brands like Jimmy Choo, Dior, Prada are iconic brands that immediately convey a message about style and quality with their products. But it’s also good to do a reality check, does getting these fashion items work with your budget?

It's just as easy to carry a beautiful vintage leather bag or shoe with no logo at all than one with Vs all over it. In fact, many very high-end brands like Celine or the Hermès Birkin dont even put big logos on their bags.

Don’t pressure yourself beyond proportion.Stick with what you have. Be yourself, don’t jump on the wagon just because a lot of persons have the branded items. It doesn’t matter, I don’t own a Jimmy Choo or a Tom Ford. (little voiceover: does that mean I’m not fashion forward?)

Permit me to reaffirm the words of the Great Mahatma Gandhi—There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness. FOOD FOR THOUGHT!

I hope you get the memo from this FASHION CODE. (No pun intended.)

Short and precise, right? Yes, it’s intentional, see you tomorrow.


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