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Welcome to April.🎉

It's been a minute right? I'm aware of that. ☺️

Permit me to categorically state that, this is not one of those blogpost where this writer surprises you all with a picture of my partner, a ring on my finger, or a baby bump or heralding myself in a cold leather jacket enjoying the landscape japa moment... ( as it is the trend peculiar to bloggers after going MIA, lol) . Let's just call this a quick memo— a heartfelt rekindling blogpost from me to you all. As time permits, memories will take shape.

How are you all doing? Indeed, times are tough, but I hope you all are surviving.

I hope you're making progress

I hope you're bearing your torch aloft

I hope you're creating that magic

I hope you're adding significance

I hope you're keeping heads high

I hope you're blooming,

Whether been loud or silent

I hope you're not lukewarm

In your faith and in your values and morals

I hope you're shredding the negatives,

And enclosing the positives

If you think this writer is immune to the "sheges" and "pressure ti wa" across the nation, you must be joking and I believe you need to cast for the role of the JOKER, as soon as possible.

Frankly, I'm really not one of those persons that give updates about every landmark event in my life. I am loud, yet silent. I hardly rant or get emotional on WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram, even when the coal is "fiery red" and the ice is "glittery chilled". So if you don't find me on any social media network or on the streets of DETAILS, you probably won't find me anywhere. Call it weird, but that's the grind.

The silence on the blog has been deliberate. Someone is asking— Why? You know life happens and some unexpected "rumbles" "high pitch" "landmarks" and "crumbles" just stare at you right in the face, lol. I know a little voiceover just rhymed in your head — common girl, we still don't get. Pardon me, that's the best description I can give to encapsulate it all at this present moment (should there be a better one, I will edit before I tap publish).

The gist guys, is that I'm right here, you're reading this detail and you're probably grinning, I like that!

In the past three months of year 2023, I learnt and re-learnt a few things. Hoarding isn't healthy, so allow me to share.

  • Thank goodness, the creator is not a mere mortal.

  • God is the only CARD


  • Some mortals are very greedy

  • Family is everything

  • Love is a beautiful thing

  • Do not look down on anyone

  • Always appreciate God for Life

  • Tables turn

  • Relationships is vital

  • Learn to forgive

  • LAZINESS is sweet, but the end result is DEADLY

  • Memes is LIFE!

  • Prayer is the master key

  • There is peace in silence

  • Growth is mandatory

  • Impossible is Nothing

  • Fashion is Art

  • Live your life

  • Your life— your chapter. Make it a good and worthwhile read.

  • Truth your gut, it never lies

  • There is no game like FOOTBALL


  • Good music and food is the real deal

  • Those creed that are there through thin and thick, never let go of them

  • Trust and put your faith in God always

Not that I'm partial, but I am really tempted to make special shout outs to some persons. But I'll do that behind the scenes. I can't thank you all enough. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!

I am grateful to be here,

I am grateful you're here

Whether it's out of care or out of curiosity

I am very grateful.

You read up to this point, you are the real MVP!

Remember it's all about DETAILS!!! I will see you all in a jiffy.



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