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Updated: Oct 21, 2021

DETAILS || Q&A || Detail No.11

Right, so… A new month is here again! My birthday month,hurray! Welcome to October— the best month of the year.

May the new month be sweet and filled with beautiful memories.

Dearest readers, I must say I’m really grateful for all of your feedback from the survey, taking time out to support me is a great deal.

I got some interesting questions, so I thought I would cover it in a little Q&A.

So let’s just get into it!

If you want to skip to a section in particular, there's a full breakdown of the questions asked in this podcast!⏬⏬


I remember when I started my blogging journey, I received couple of calls and the major question was— Is your brand now DETAILS or DHPEE? Please do not get confused, my brand is still DHPEE and it hasn’t gone into extinction.

DETAILS is a Your Go-To Source, where you get to know more about my passions. More like a mirror to reflect what inspires me and it also serves as a guide for my dear readers— it could be Fashion, Art, Growth tips, Motivation and Leadership.

Just like when you hear about the brand Cola-Cola, what comes to mind are products like—Fanta, Sprite. Yes, when you hear about Omodolapo Omosanya the brand is – DHPEE. I know I started off the brand DHPEE with Cakes and Pastries, please do not get it wrong, it’s not fixed on edibles alone. However improbable that might sound to you, DARE TO BELIEVE WITH ME.

The brand DHPEE might be a new information to some of you, don’t be bewildered I’m a very goal oriented and hardworking person. By now, I believe you should know that. DHPEE is a work in progress, as I’m working on various projects. So watch the space and trust the process with me.


As we evolve on the staircase of life, there are some certain things you find out that you are capable of doing. And by been capable of doing this things, I do not mean you are doing it out of pity, but because you enjoy it, since it’s innate. Growing up I loved dressing up, a big reason why I love fashion. Yes I know you get to see lot of my pictures, some persons even think I’m jobless or vague. But do you know how much top influencers make from a grin and a pose while wearing an outfit, it’s really huge. Do the research.

As my mother often says ‘one route doesn’t enter the market’ ( translate to Yoruba, ask for help if you can’t translate it). Your instincts are right! I’m into Brand Influencing.

There are people out there doing great stuff, the last time I checked they don't have 10 heads and purple blood doesn't run through their vein,lol. So who says I can’t. We have the likes of Messi influencing for brands like Adidas, Pepsi and Lays. Even Wizkid is a brand influencer for UBA, Puma and Cîroc. Brodashaggi is a comedian, but he influences for brands like, Revolution Plus Property etc,

One common factor you can trace to these people is the zeal and consistency the put in their work. Mary Orton once said, “if you can’t influence your own personal goals, how do you intend to influence for other brands?” That’s why I said it innate, I have friends who get bored of selecting outfits, not to talk of styling it lol. For emphasis— no brand will make you an ambassador or influencer, if they see that you cannot sell yourself or perhaps you're sluggard.

So guys, if you don't know, now you know. I'm into brand influencing. Yes, I’m still small, but I’m grateful. I’ve influenced for Abaakebyequip, MoraAlaso and TitoKeya.

I’m like John the Baptist, I speak boldly about my passions and work hard in achieving them. I would love to collaborate and influence for fashion brands. You might be the plug, connect your girl.


When I saw this question, I laughed a lot! Truth is, I’m still a beginner too! However, the little advice I can offer is don’t be afraid of self-promotion. But really, just think about it for a second - how much are you really marketing yourself? If you don’t sell yourself, who will?

Do you have a plan for promoting your latest blog post, ideas or items? Or do you just share one link and then wonder why you’re not getting any traffic or sales?

You need a working plan! Even thieves have a plan, hell yes!

There are so many opportunities to promote your content or products, you should be taking advantage of them.


Oh boy, there are so many. Would my phone and laptop count? Lol

I love:

  • Lightroom for editing my photos and videos

  • PicsArt for my photos

  • Google Drive for storing all my files

  • Buffer for scheduling my social media

  • Notes for taking down ideas.

  • Instagram

They’re definitely my top tools.


Currently, I’m using Wixsite.

But here are a few reasons why I always recommend Wixsite:

  • It’s easy to use. I don’t like faff I like things to be straightforward and that’s what Wixsite is. Everything is is in one place and built in blocks so it’s a drag and drop system.

  • It makes you focus on what’s important. You don’t have to be a designer to use Wixsite. It comes with fully functional templates that tick all the right boxes AND they’re mobile responsive.


In most cases, yeah, you do.

Apart from your website, it’s the only thing you own. Social media platforms could disappear tomorrow and what would you do with all your followers?

You have complete control over your email list.

It’s also likely that your email subscribers are going to be your most loyal readers AND if you sell products or services, they’re also really likely to buy from you too.

So if you want to grow your community, increase your visibility and promote yourself in some way. An email list is going to help you without a shadow of a doubt.


Trust me, it can be frustrating when you’re putting content out there and you’re not getting the traffic.

I don’t just want any traffic, I want good, loyal traffic.

These ideas have me helped me thus far:

  • Posting consistently

  • Video ads

  • Guest blogging( a work in progress)

  • Connecting with other bloggers

  • Promoting myself on social media


Yes, absolutely it can.

But it’s important not to focus on making money instantly.

I once read that when it comes to building a blog, you need to think of it as a long-term plan to become a stream of income for you. I’m taking slow and steady!


The main essence of the

numbering is CONSISTENCY CHECK! It makes it easier to track my posts, not just for me but my loyal readers as well.


This is the biggest thing isn’t it, we all get so overwhelmed and we don’t know who to turn to.

Well one thing’s for sure, no one can go through the blogging journey all by themselves. No man is an island.

You will need help and there are plenty of places to get it - blogs, youtube, social media, mentors, courses, etc. Even my siblings help out too! Sometimes when I’m indecive about colours for logos, they are there to save the day.

Also, I search for the thought leaders I can trust. I have people whose teaching style I really like and I connect with them a lot (Mary Orton, Kerry Washington, Deddeh Howard, Fisayo Longe, Hector Bellerin, Ryan Clark, Mali Music ,etc) I take their information on board and try their strategies. So far, it has been working out for me. Your interests might differ

from mine, find your circle and learn values from them.


This is a tricky one I’m not gonna lie. It’s really hard and something I really need to get better at.

A few things I do are try and keep to regular working hours although this usually always goes out the window.

I also try and dedicate time to self-care each week and take a break from my blog.

And another thing I do is to keep phones away especially when I’m working, cooking or spending time with my family and loved ones.

So it’s hard, but you’ve just got to do what works for you.


Different things inspire different people. There is so much inspiration in this world and I think it is important that we start to highlight the things that inspire us versus the things are destroying us.

I would say God is my greatest inspiration because I know He has reasons for forming me in this world, if you know me too well you would know I don’t joke about my love for God! I will also say my greatest inspiration is my parents before any other thing or person(s). I am making them proud and I will continue to make them proud 😊. I don’t want to disappoint them, not in any way.

So, without order or priority here is a list of things and people that inspire or have inspired me in my life. I hope that maybe they inspire you too and that you’re as lucky as I am.

Love: In any and all circumstances, love is a wonderful thing. The support, respect and magic that it provides never fails. From family, mentors and loved ones.

Fulfillment: This is a great deal for me. Nothing beats fulfillment!

Community: When a group of people comes together because of they like something, believe in something, support something or want to create the positive change, I am inspired and want to be part of something great as well.

Leadership Program by the FAME FOUNDATION

My Friends: No matter where I have lived in my life I have had great friends around me. They have helped me through tough times and celebrated with me in good times. They have shown me the kind of love that exists through respect and mutual adoration.

Music: I love music, so much. Great songs move people. The creativity and talent that it takes to make music amaze me in a wonderful way. My latest favourite!

Charity: There are a lot of people who need help in our world and there are a lot of people out there doing their very best to give it to them. Every time I see someone working hard to create change or make life better for people, I am inspired and honoured to be part of the things that I can be.

October 12, 2019 ( Orphanage at Moro, Osun State)

Perseverance: Life is not easy, every one of us has our stories. It knocks us down and drives us backwards. But when people decide that they won’t let that stop them, when they pick themselves back up and move forward towards their dreams and goals – that’s inspiring!

Leadership: Great leaders bring something to the table that you sometimes can’t put your finger on. Their passion and trust and respect and ability to bring people together and get them to work towards a common goal is amazing.

Sport(Football): I’m not talking about sports individually. I’m talking about the spirit of sport – the perseverance and drive and desire and hard work that it takes to be the best and compete and practice to be better because you love something. Some of the legends I admire are— Leo Messi and Dani Alves

Beauty: I’m not talking about people as an example. I’m talking about the little things that are beautiful. Flowers and sunshine and the way nature present pictures to us in real life that sometimes can’t be translated into photographs or paintings.

Faith: I don’t necessarily mean religion, although that is part of it. I mean the ability to have faith when times are hard. Faith that right will win. Faith that the sun will rise and life will move on and things will be okay in some way, somehow, even when it doesn’t seem like it at the time. That is inspiring.

The Internet: It’s true that it’s not all made up of dog videos and rainbows and hugs – but even still, the internet is so full of possibilities and information and amazing things that I can’t help but be inspired by it.

There you have it, a list of things that inspire me in my life and make me want to live it the best that I can for me. We can continue to inspire each other and live great lives.


I just started this journey but trust me when I say consistency is really hard. Sending links, creating and editing videos, researching, taking pictures, time management, drafting captions, typing and editing. Most times I work late in the night for good end results. It’s really demanding but I must keep pressing on. After all quitters never win, and winners never quit.

Thanks guys! You’re the ultimate game-changers.



Would you like to see your question answered in a future Q&A? Leave your question in the comments! Or perhaps use the feedback link ⬇️⬇️

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