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Let’s Talk About It— Day 22 of 30Guests in 30Days

Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibility. It's Day 22 of Let's Talk About It with #30Guestsin30Days on DETAILS.

Struggling to get going after failing? The tables are about to turn in your favour. You'll finally be able to confidently say these words after reading his post:: “I failed. So what?”

In the meantime, let's face facts: No one wishes to fail — especially when they are sure that they have taken the necessary steps to achieve success.

Ask 1,000 individuals whether they hope to fail in the nearest or distant future, and the unanimous reply will likely be NO.

But then, life can be unpredictable. This is why even though we don't wish failure upon ourselves, we still sometimes find ourselves in this morale-dampening situation.

So, what do you do when it dawns on you that you failed?

Truth is, there are many things you can do. Nonetheless, it boils down to two options. You can either decide to REMAIN WEIGHED DOWN BY FAILURE or BOUNCE BACK AFTER FAILURE.

And obviously, the ball is in your court. However, in most cases, individuals decide to remain weighed down by failure.


Because it's the easiest thing to do.

On the other hand, deciding to bounce back can be both highly demanding and highly rewarding. As they say, “no guts, no glory.”

Ready to put in the work required to get you back on your feet regardless of the degree of failure?



Below are 4 powerful tips you can apply to redefine any case of failure.

1. Shoulder the Responsibility

This is the first step you must take to bounce back from failure. Don't shy away from it by blaming others. Also, don't pretend it didn't happen because it happened. You can't change what happened. Accept it and stand a chance of turning things around.

2. Take the Lesson

A popular saying goes thus: “Experience is the best teacher.” Here is the thing, it doesn't have to be your experience. And truth be told, it is better to learn from someone else's failure or mistakes.

Nevertheless, if you experience failure first-hand, ensure you take the lessons. One thing failure does is help you discover the wrong way to approach situations. This equips you with the knowledge you need to discover the right approach.

I dare to say that individuals with the most inspirational success or zero-to-hero stories failed at one point in their lives.

If they had stayed down after failing, you won't be interested in listening to their story today. So, stop seeing failure as a setback.

Rather, see it as a stepping stone — an opportunity for you to right your wrongs en route to writing your success story.

3. Welcome Positivity with Open Arms

It's no secret that failure brings an aura of negativity that can drain every drop of positivity you ever had. In no time, you will start doubting your ability to achieve set goals or deliver.

Hence, you have to kick out negativity and usher in positivity. And you can only make this happen when you fill your mind with positive thoughts and speak positive words into your atmosphere. Ooze positivity, and you will attract positive things. This is where the magic happens.

4. Go Again

The aforementioned tips will count for nothing if you don't summon the courage to go again. Yes, I know failure stings like a bee.

However, you need to know that success lies on the other side of failure. For this reason, you must keep pushing. If you don't, you can't reach the success you crave. So, get up and make your move.

Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Now is the best time to take your first step in the right direction.

You are good enough.

Never doubt yourself.

I'm rooting for you.

Let's Connect!🎉

Okiemro Daniel

Instagram: dannygodwyn_


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