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Monday Memo| Detail No. 93| March 18, 2024

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It's a brand new Monday. Memo is LIVE.

Last week, we started with Checkmate— The pieces Vol 101. If you haven't checked it out, click the link below.

Yep, you welcome!

Today, we continue with Vol. 102 of Pieces. Seat tight, and enjoy the ride.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, the game of chess is not merely an idle amusement. Several very valuable qualities of the mind, useful in the course of human life, are to be acquired or strengthened by it… Life is a kind of Chess, in which we have often points to gain, and competitors or adversaries to contend with.

In this game of life you cannot just focus on your next move, but rather, you have to focus on your next moves. The next move you make has an impact on the moves you’re allowed to and will be forced to make in the future.
 Every decision you make today will have an impact on your future decisions tomorrow, regardless of where you fit in this game of life.

Sometimes we make decisions fully believing that it was our best decision and ends up being the worst decision we could have made. What’s important though is how fast we are willing to keep heads highs and start again. Each piece has to keep moving. Mistakes are made and learnt from.

In the game of life, which chess piece best describes you?


The workers. The most over looked, yet most crucial pieces in the game of life. Without the pawns, the higher powers would be weak, vulnerable. The all-powerful often use these pieces for their own gain. The pawn remains headstrong and looks ahead, knowing that if they work hard enough they will get rewarded and move well up the ladder. Sometimes, the pawn becomes so fixated on moving up, that they lose their self in the process.

The Rook

These are the tall, head-strong and powerful ones. Their almost intimidating power is often used to fight off the bad and protect all the other pieces on the board. These pieces provide support to the rest of the pieces on the board.

The Knights

These players represent those that love freedom! They move around the world with their head and their heart. They are the motivators of the world. These are the pieces that encourage change. Their free-spirited capabilities are so unique that not even the Queen can perform these moves.

The Bishop

These players remain on their own colour. These ‘pieces’ avoid change at all costs and prefer to remain in their comfort zones. These pieces are crucial to the King’s success and often serve as loyal Devotees.

The Queen

The most powerful piece of all, with unmatched freedom of movement. With all this power though, try as she might, the Queen will always only be second to the king.The Queen has a lot of influence but if she is not careful, she may easily be replaced by an upcoming pawn. As with the King, powerful as the Queen may be, she is almost useless without the support of the other pieces on the board.

The King

These are the all-powerful influencers and the decision makers. They don’t move around much, but they have a huge following. They are very well protected by all the other pieces and at all costs.

All the other players have to move in the interest of these all powerful human chess pieces. Interesting thing with these all powerful pieces are that even with all their power, if the ‘kings’ in life do not have substantial backup from those around him, they are almost useless.

Have you found your answer?

If yes, good. If no, you might want to scroll upwards to read through again.

Take this as a gentle reminder—You can’t avoid a checkmate by doing nothing, it’s critical to do something – assert yourself, take defensive action, proactively deal with a problem, goal, insight – firmly and without delay, in order to progress forward.  Now is the time!

Monday Memo will be back!

Same time. Same arena

See you soon.

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